ONDA (Castellón)
Saturday, May 17th, 2025
Article 1.- The cyclosportive event V Marcha Ciclo-deportiva DESAFIO 10 PICOS SIERRA ESPADÁN, organized by Cycling Club DEMARRAGE VALENCIA, will be held on 17/05/2025, with departure (starting from 08:30) and arrival zone located at la Calle Luxemburgo, Onda (Castellón). This event is open to all cyclists of the age of 18 or over, and cyclists with the age 16 and 17 can participate with a written authorization of the parent/tutor.
Artículo 2.- The “V Marcha Ciclo-deportiva DESAFIO 10 PICOS SIERRA ESPADÁN” is a cyclosportive event that follows the ninth article of the “Cycling for Everyone-Touring” regulations established by the R.F.E.C. (Royal Spanish Cycling Federation), within the framework of a cycling speciality which considers this sport as physical exercise. The event will be subject to the provisions made in Articles 15 and of annexe II of Royal Decree 1428/2003, of the 21st of November, in which the General Rules and Regulations for Traffic for the application and development of the text of the Traffic Law for the circulation of motor vehicles and highway safety, approved by the Royal Legislative Decree 339/1990, of the 2nd March, is endorsed.
Article 3.- Registration and participation costs:
Registration will open on October 1st 2024, at 8:00 a.m. Registrations will remain open until 8:00 a.m May 11th 2025 or until 1,500 registrations are completed.
Registration fee includes a official ’10 Picos’ GOBIK jersey
Loyalty Promotion: 1 to 300 registrations |
45 € |
55 € |
Price bracket 2: 301 to 600 registrations |
55 € |
65 € |
Price Bracket 3: 601 to 1.500 registrations |
65 € |
75 € |
VIP Registration | 150 € | 160 € |
What does the VIP REGISTRATION include?
– Participation to the event.
– Bib delivery the day of the race.
– Private bike park.
– Private cloakroom.
– Private chemical toilets
– Pre-race breakfast: Coffee, water, fruit…
– Post-race recovery: Fruit, energetic drink, water, solid food supplies.
– Exclusively reserved zone next to the finish line to enjoy the ‘Paella Gigante’
– Gift from the organization.
Registrations must be made through the website, which is the only valid place to register. Registrations will not be accepted outside the established deadlines. For further information, please contact or email
In order to obtain the official event Jersey, of the brand GOBIK, it is obligatory to registration before April 16th 2025. All registrations made after this date will not be guaranteed with the requested size of the official jersey.
CHANGE OF PARTICIPATION REGISTRATION: You can transfer the participation registration to another person up to May 10th, 2025. If these transfer is made past April 16th, the size of the event jersey remains unchanged. Shall you change the participation details a charge of 3€ will be applied. The fee to be applied in the change of participation registration will be that in force at the time of the modification.
DATA MODIFICACIÓN: Registration data, except name, surname and ID, can be modified until April 16th, 2025 (23:59 hours) without any additional charge. Modifications can be done in the “Area privada” through the registration platform. Distance of the route changes will be available until April 16th, 2025. In order to do that, the participant will send an e-mail to *The short route is a cyclotourist event.
CANCELLATION INSURANCE: The cancellation insurance provided by the organization is a RIBÉSALAT insurance that will reimburse 100% of the amount paid for your registration (except for the cost of the insurance and platform management fees: 1,50€)
You can download the dossier here:
You can make use of it from the moment of registration until 48 hours before the event starts. The participant should call or send mail to the following email address.
932415050 or by email to as indicated in the dossier.
(also sending a copy to the organisation’s email address: the proof of registration, that of a professional or competent body which, depending on the nature of the reason, justifies non-attendance at the event.
In the subject/body of the email the participant must identify himself/herself with his/her ID/passport number, Registration ID, full name and state the event ‘Desafío 10 Picos Sierra de Espadán 2025’, as an attachment, the two documents mentioned above.
Article 4.- Official jersey:
Wearing the official jersey of the ‘V Desafío 10 Picos Sierra Espadán’ is MANDATORY for all participants. This being an additional security and control element for all auxiliary personnel involved in the event, in order to be able to identify at all times who are or are not participants of the event. Without the jersey it will not be possible to access the start area of the event or to appear in the list of the participants. Nor will these cyclists be attended by the services made available by the organization, including mechanical assistance, volunteers, the solid and/or liquid stations along the route, etc.
Article 5.- Collecting the bib numbers:
The bib numbers are to be collected during the established collecting hours on Friday 16th of May, and/or Saturday 17th of May, before the start of the event. When the date approaches, the organization will inform you of the place and times of collection.
In order to acquire the bib number, it is OBLIGATORY to present the DNI or R.F.E.C or F.C.C.V cycling license for participants who have the cycling license and the DNI for cyclists who do not have the cycling license. The participation bib numbers are personal and non-transferable items and therefore under any circumstances are to be used by anyone else except the person registered.
As required by Federación de Ciclismo de la Comunidad Valenciana the, all the participants who do not present their cycling license while collecting the bib numbers will need to pay a mandatory one-day accident and civil liability insurance that the organization has contracted for a value of 10€. This one-day license covers accidental situations that take place during the event day from the start time until the finish time of the event.
If unable to attend, the registered rider may authorize another person to collect their bib number on their behalf, for which it will be necessary to present a copy of their ID card or supporting document (driving license, passport) or, failing this, proof of registration. Federated riders must also present their Federation License. Any of the above-mentioned documents can be presented in digital format. It is not mandatory to present them on paper.
Article 6.– The time control will be carried out electronically through the use of a chip, which is attached to the bib number or frame number. The time control system has demonstrated its total reliability. Participants who do not have a control pass at all points will automatically be considered as NOT CLASSIFIED. Control points being:
• Start area with the established start times.
• Finish area.
• Other time control points that are located along the route.
The time control chip is attached to the bib number. Both the bib number and the chip are personal and non-transferable items. The person registered may only be allowed to participate with the bib number that she/he has been assigned and agrees not to allow other people to use it. Claims for loss of the chip or wrong placements of the chip, will not be accepted. The participants with electrical bike will be given a bib number without a chip and their time will not be recorded.
Artículo 7.- The route of the ‘V Marcha Ciclo-deportiva DESAFÍO 10 PICOS SIERRA ESPADÁN’ is 134.7 Km (long distance), and 65.3 Km (short distance, cyclotourist event). Each participant needs to choose one of these two routes during the registration process. More information of the route details together with the time schedule and profile can be found
The organization will provide 4 solid and/or liquid stations along the long route as follows:
Km 84: MATET
The organization will provide 2 solid and/or liquid stations along the short route as follows:
LUNCH: After crossing the finish line in Onda a lunch is served for all the participants.
During the event the organization has at its disposal at all times healthcare, mechanical support and support vehicles, as well as ambulances with doctors and medical staff (ATS).
Article 8.- Departure procedure and timetable:
The departure of the event will be held at 8:30 a. m.
*If needed the Organization reserves the rights to modify the departure times in order to follow the instructions of the competent authorities.
Any change of the selected route distance can be made until May 5th, 2025. After this date, distance changes will not be accepted.
Article 9.-Time control and chrono:
The Traffic Civil Guard will have a lead vehicle opening the cycling event (Red Flag) and a trailing vehicle closing the cycling event (Green Flag) for the event. The trailing vehicle will be moving at the maximum permitted times or may shorten them if deemed necessary for traffic safety. If any participant overtakes the Red Flag vehicle or is overtaken by the Green Flag vehicle, they will be outside the safety bubble. They may continue if they wish, but from that moment, they must exercise extreme caution and adhere to regular traffic rules, as the roads will be fully open to normal traffic.
The event route has two sections open to traffic at all times. These sections are duly signposted for cyclist safety. In these sections the cyclist must exercise extreme caution and, as during the rest of the event route, carefully respect the traffic regulations.
The event will be concluded at 3:30 p. m., by closing the finish line.
*CUT-OFF TIME FOR THE LONG DISTANCE ROUTE IN ALCUDIA DE VEO: In the second pass through the refreshment point in Alcudia de Veo (KM 65,3), anyone arriving after 11:45 a. m. will be declared out of the long distance route. For those completing the short route and/or those excluded from the safety bubble, the organizers will provide directions on how to return to the finish line of the long route, which coincides with the starting point and vehicle parking area. They will need to follow traffic regulations on their way back.
Article 10.- The “V Marcha Ciclo-deportiva 10 PICOS SIERRA ESPADÁN “ is a non-competitive cycling event.
The only vehicles that are allowed to follow the event peloton are the ones of the organization which are carrying proper signage.
Article 11.- The rules for the participants:
– The participant agrees to respect the traffic rules and regulations.
– It is obligatory to wear an approved bicycle helmet.
– It is obligatory to wear the commemorative event jersey at the start.
– All participants must carry the bib number together with the integrated chip during the entire route on the front of the bicycle (handlebar), clearly visible, without being folded neither covering nor modifying the publicity.
– Anyone who does not meet these conditions will be considered NOT a participant in the event.
– Each participant is responsible for any violation of the traffic rules and regulations.
– Taking part in the event is under the responsibility and own risk of the participant. In this sense, the participant at the time of registration and participation, declares to be physically fit for the event.
All participants, by registering to the event, declare to acknowledge and accept these Regulations and the Disclaimer of Responsibilities and Data Protection. In case of doubt, the criteria of the Organization will prevail. By proceeding with the registration, the participants sign the following declaration:
“I take part to this event in a completely voluntarily manner and I fully acknowledge its difficulty, considering its distance and technical challenges. I therefore declare having sufficient technical knowledge, experience and that I am physically and psychologically capable to face the characteristics of this event route.
I declare that at the time of registration and participation, I will be physically fit enough to take part in this event in “V Marcha Ciclo-deportiva DESAFIO 10 PICOS SIERRA ESPADÁN”, having the total certainty of being physically and psychologically fit, and having passed the pertinent medical check-ups, ruling out any disease, pathology, injury, or any other health problem that would advise against my participation.
In the event that at the time of celebrating the cyclosportive event there have been any change in my state of health, and especially if I manifest any symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in close contact with a person who has COVID-19, I declare not taking part to this event. Likewise, I accept that I must comply with the requirements that the organization imposes in relation to COVID-19.
During the event I will contribute as much as possible with the Organization, to avoid personal accidents and I will maintain proper behavior, not endangering my health, or that of other people. I accept to comply with the regulations set forth in the REGULATIONS of the “V Marcha Ciclo-deportiva DESAFIO 10 PICOS SIERRA ESPADÁN”, safety protocols and indications established by the Organization.
Taking into account all of the above, I exempt the Organization, sponsors and/or other participation institutions from all liabilities in the event of any accident, health problem or injury that may be suffered before, during and/or after the event. Participating to this event I renounce on any legal actions against of any earlier mentioned entities.
The organization is in no way responsible for any damage that may be caused to third parties or property by any participant of the cyclosportive event “V Marcha Ciclo-deportiva DESAFÍO 10 PICOS SIERRA ESPADÁN” due to the non-compliance of the Road Safety law and its regulations or imprudence by the participant.
Article 12.– The organization will provide mechanical assistance throughout the whole event/route, however without obligation to provide mechanical assistance to all the participants. In case of a breakdown, the manual assistance provided will be free of charge, however the participant will be charged on the spare parts used. Only repairs that can be solved on route will be taken into account, except for punctures. Each participant should bring their spare parts and be self-sufficient. The mechanical assistance of the organization is a courtesy service.
Article 13.- C.C. DEMARRAGE VALENCIA reserves the right to exclude any participant of the event who, with their behavior, endangers their physical integrity and that of the other participants, as well as being in breach of the Civil Code. It is strictly forbidden to litter or throw trash along the route. Environmental agents will monitor these aspects during the event and not obeying this rule is a direct reason for expulsion.
Article 14.- Only in case of a justified reason or due to force majeur the Organization reserves the right to modify or cancel the itinerary, controls, schedules, food/liquid stations and even this Regulation.
Article 15.– All the participants accept to obey the Road Safety Law and Regulations. Major part of the event route will be closed for traffic. Participants who will not obey the previously mentioned rules and regulations will be expelled from the event and subsequent editions. By event registration the participant assumes and acknowledge the risks in participating in an event that is open for traffic, and excludes the organization from liability for any incident or accident arising by participation to the event.
Article 16. – The organization is in NO way liable for any accident of which the participant could either be the cause or the victim, and must be covered by its own insurance. Neither will it be jointly liable for the expenses or debts incurred by the participants during the event, nor for the loss or damage to bicycles or other equipment of the participants. The participant exempts the organization from any responsibility of loss or damage of personal belongings due to any circumstance.
Article 17.- Image rights: The acceptance of these rules and regulations necessarily implies that the participant authorizes the organization of the cyclosportive event “IV Marcha Ciclo-deportiva DESAFIO 10 PICOS SIERRA ESPADÁN” to the total or partial recording of his/hers participation to the event for promotion and broadcasting of the event in all media forms (radio, press, video, photo, DVD, internet, posters, media, etc.) and grants all the rights related to its commercial and advertising exploitation that are required, without the right of the participant to receive any financial compensation.
Article 18.- The Organization will not assume any responsibility if the event is suspended or postponed due to force majeur.
Article 19.- Special recognition will be given to the following participants
- Cycling Club with most male participants.
– Cycling Club with most female participants.
– Cycling Club from the furthest origin.
– Oldest male and female participant.
– Youngest male and female participant.
– The Participant from further origin.
– Gift from the organization to the rider (male and female) with the best time at the climbing time trial of Alto de Almedijar. (ONLY FOR THOSE REGISTERED IN THE LONG DISTANCE ROUTE).
Article 20.- All the participants that finish this cyclosportive event within the established time schedule set by the organization will obtain a finisher medal. These items will not be mailed later on. The winner will receive the gift on the podium, since the Organization will not send them by mail afterwards.
Likewise, while collecting the bib number all the participants will receive the corresponding participant bag that includes gifts that the Organization has gathered through sponsorship agreements agreed before the event, including the official jersey.
Article 21.- The participant of this event accepts these Regulations and agrees to its full compliance, and in case of a doubt or situation that is not reflected in this paper shall be reported to the Organization.
Article 22.– By registering for this event the participant accepts these regulations, and waive any rights against the organizers or any legal action that may derive from participating in this cyclosportive event.
IMPORTANT: The organization reserves the right to make any changes to these regulations if it deems so, and must communicate it on the web and in the information of the participants.